NWCEL Northwest Council of Engineering Labs

WAQTC Concrete Testing Technician

WAQTC Concrete Testing Technician

Per WSDOT's WAQTC Registration Policies & Information Handbook, Page 17 states:


Reciprocity for ACI Certification "Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade 1"

›› WAQTC recognizes ACI CFT as an equivalent to WAQTC's CTT. WSDOT will grant reciprocity by submitting evidence of a valid ACI certification ( an electronic or hard copy of their ACI Certification Results Report) completed Registration form (Appendix A or B) and Rights and Responsibilities form (Appendix C).


›› For individuals requesting to receive a WAQTC Qualification in Concrete through the ACI reciprocity clause it is recommended that a review of the testing standards listed below occurs. The ACI certification process requires performing ASTM standard test methods. ASTM standards may or may not be the same as the AASHTO and WAQTC standard test methods required by this Qualification.


›› By signing the WAQTC Rights and Responsibilities Agreement form, an individual pledges to follow the applicable AASHTO and WAQTC test methods when sampling or testing on jobsites requiring WAQTC Qualifications.


Please fill out this form and email it to Garth Newman at NewmanGa@wsdot.wa.gov to register your WAQTC Concrete Testing Technician equivalent.