NWCEL Northwest Council of Engineering Labs

Become a
Special Inspector

›› Introduction
›› License Types
›› Types of Work


Inspection Courses

Reinforced Concrete:
›› Placement/Batch Plant
›› Reinforced Concrete
›› Pre/Post-Tension
›› Shotcrete Intro.
›› Shotcrete Recert.

Steel & Welding:

›› Steel & Welding I
›› Steel & Welding II
›› Steel & Welding Intensive

Masonry Inspection

Ultrasonic Technician
›› Certification Program

Magnetic Particle Testing Level II

Special Inspector Certification Renewal

Lateral Framing Special Inspection

Proprietary Anchors Inspection

Plan Reading

›› In-Place Density
›› Aggregate
›› Asphalt II
›› Concrete

Shotcrete Introduction

Introduction to Shotcrete

Course Description:
The first half of this 8-hour course will cover:

· Introduction to and description of types of Shotcrete
· Definition of Shotcrete terms
· Technical information on Shotcrete code and specification requirements
· Written exam for Shotcrete code

You will receive a manual with excerpts from the IBC, ACI 506, “Guide to Shotcrete” and “Specification for Shotcrete.”

In the afternoon you will learn how to inspect shotcrete. PowerPoint presentations will be used to help you recognize potential problems while the material is being placed and can also be corrected. Emphasis will be on demonstrating good and bad shotcrete nozzling techniques, quality control procedures the contractor utilizes, the teamwork required to produce good quality shotcrete, and ways the special inspector can effectively interface with the shotcrete crew.

We will also cover how to inspect a shotcrete test panel for nozzles pre-qualification including evaluating the setup, how to take notes during the shoot and evaluating test cores both from test panels and from in-place work.

Manual will include the DPD Shotcrete Directors Rule with practical inspection procedures.

About the Instructor:
Chris Christensen, PE. Materials Inspection Manager, AAR Testing Laboratory. Chris is a registered professional engineer in Washington, Alaska and Utah. He is WABO technical director, WABO Supervising Laboratory technician, WABO Special Inspection Field Supervisor and WABO Registered Special Inspector for RC, PC, SC, SM, SSB, SW, FP, and PA. He has been working in the inspection industry for 24 years with experience in all special inspection categories.

Cost:  Determined based on enrollment. Invoice will be emailed no later than one week after course has ended.

For question, contact Thanh Kieu at thanh@nwcel.org.
