NWCEL Northwest Council of Engineering Labs

Become a
Special Inspector

›› Introduction
›› License Types
›› Types of Work


Inspection Courses

Reinforced Concrete:
›› Placement/Batch Plant
›› Reinforced Concrete
›› Pre/Post-Tension
›› Shotcrete Intro.
›› Shotcrete Recert.

Steel & Welding:

›› Steel & Welding I
›› Steel & Welding II
›› Steel & Welding Intensive

Masonry Inspection

Ultrasonic Technician
›› Certification Program

Magnetic Particle Testing Level II

Special Inspector Certification Renewal

Lateral Framing Special Inspection

Proprietary Anchors Inspection

Plan Reading

›› In-Place Density
›› Aggregate
›› Asphalt II
›› Concrete

Concrete Placement/Batch Plant

Concrete Placement/Batch Plant Inspection

Course Description:
This course is designed to prepare structural concrete inspectors to perform concrete placement and batch plant inspections. This course is necessary to become certified by WABO in the inspection category of Placement Inspection.

Topics covered will include concrete materials, mix designs, batch plant procedures; introduction to plans reading, basics of reinforcing steel inspection. Emphasis will be on issues placing inspectors have to recheck such as clearances, review of standard tests for concrete, procedures for placing, consolidating and curing concrete, record keeping and duties, responsibilities and ethics of special inspectors.

Curriculum includes 4 hours of plan reading.

Note: Each lab must ensure that enrollee passed the math test that will be sent to you prior to the beginning of the class. Students are not eligible to enroll in class without passing this test. Please work with your enrollees to ensure that they pass the test before sending them to the class.

About the Instructor:
Jerry abson is a Structural Building inspector with City of Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections. Mr. Abson began his career as a special inspector with Otto Rosenau in 1998, where he quickly became a senior special inspector with WABO certifications in reinforced concrete, PT concrete, shotcrete, structural masonry, structural steel and welding, spray applied fireproofing and lateral wood., He became a building inspector in 2005, and now monitors all concrete in Seattle as well as special inspection agencies and registered inspectors. Mr. Abson also is a voting member of WABO and is currently an instructor for Reinforced Concrete with ICC teaching in several states including New Jersey and California.

** note: there will be a field trip in addition to the course dates above. Field trip date is based on number of enrollment and thus will be determined after the initial class date. All attendees will be notified of this date(s).

For question, contact Thanh Kieu at thanh@nwcel.org.
