NWCEL Northwest Council of Engineering Labs

Become a
Special Inspector

›› Introduction
›› License Types
›› Types of Work


Inspection Courses

Reinforced Concrete:
›› Placement/Batch Plant
›› Reinforced Concrete
›› Pre/Post-Tension
›› Shotcrete Intro.
›› Shotcrete Recert.

Steel & Welding:

›› Steel & Welding I
›› Steel & Welding II
›› Steel & Welding Intensive

Masonry Inspection

Ultrasonic Technician
›› Certification Program

Magnetic Particle Testing Level II

Special Inspector Certification Renewal

Lateral Framing Special Inspection

Proprietary Anchors Inspection

Plan Reading

›› In-Place Density
›› Aggregate
›› Asphalt II
›› Concrete

Masonry Construction

Masonry: Construction and Inspection Applications of the International Building Codes

Course Description:

This course will cover inspection, construction, movement joints, cold/hot/wet weather construction, reinforcing steel, material sampling and testing, mortar, grout, concrete block, water repellent masonry, clay brick and 2016 IBC.

Topics covered will include masonry materials, sampling and testing masonry, grouting of masonry walls, and seismic requirements.

Course Objective:

1) To teach students the duties and responsibilities of a structural reinforced masonry special inspector.
2) Educate students on the International Building Code requirements for structural reinforced masonry construction.
3) To familiarize students with reading and interpreting structural drawings.
4) To prepare students to take (and PASS) the ICC structural reinforced masonry exam.

Materials Required:

1) Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector's Handbook 8th or 9th edition
2) 3 ring binder
3) Pens/pencils
4) Paper for taking notes

Cost: Determined by enrollment - Invoice will be emailed no later than one week after course has ended.

For question, contact Thanh Kieu at thanh@nwcel.org.
