NWCEL Northwest Council of Engineering Labs

Become a
Special Inspector

›› Introduction
›› License Types
›› Types of Work


Inspection Courses

Reinforced Concrete:
›› Placement/Batch Plant
›› Reinforced Concrete
›› Pre/Post-Tension
›› Shotcrete Intro.
›› Shotcrete Recert.

Steel & Welding:

›› Steel & Welding I
›› Steel & Welding II
›› Steel & Welding Intensive

Masonry Inspection

Ultrasonic Technician
›› Certification Program

Magnetic Particle Testing Level II

Special Inspector Certification Renewal

Lateral Framing Special Inspection

Proprietary Anchors Inspection

Plan Reading

›› In-Place Density
›› Aggregate
›› Asphalt II
›› Concrete

Ultrasonic Technician: Certification Program

Ultrasonic Testing Technician Training Course

Please Note: We only offer this training every few years.

The goal of this class is for students to become a Level II Ultrasonic Technician as set forth by ASNT TC1-A. There are 80 hours of training required to achieve Level II. We will have 40 hours of training to master Level I followed by 40 hours to achieve Level II. See schedule of dates below.

Each student MUST be either an AWS Certified Weld Inspector (CWI) or a certified ABO Structural Steel Inspector.

Course materials and activities will be presented in structured lectures. Specific homework quizzes and reading assignments, in class work sheets and practical lab exercises included.

Topics to be covered:
  1. Ultrasonic Principles
  2. Equipment Controls
  3. Wave Propagation Reflection And Refraction
  4. Couplant, Material Characteristics, Beam Spread
  5. Attenuation, Impedance, Resonance
  6. Screen Images, Angle Beam Inspection
  7. Transducers
  8. Immersion Inspection
  9. Contact Testing, Wave Forms, Mathematics
  10. Ultrasonic Indications
  11. Discontinuity Classification

Required materials:

Each student will need to bring a UT machine straight beam, and shear wave transducers, cables, an IIW calibration block and the training manual listed below which can be purchases at the ASNT.

Personnel Training Publications: Ultrasonic Testing Classroom Training Book


Cost:   to be determined based on enrollment

For question, contact Thanh Kieu at thanh@nwcel.org.
